Czech manufacturing company

Transport of clothes

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Our solution:

Through our offices, we choose a Chinese hub for each season (so that it makes economic sense - i.e. optimization according to shipping points), where we consolidate third-party shipments and perform document neutralization.

Deliveries from non-Chinese suppliers are shipped with orders for the European market to the Czech Republic, but the "non-EU" portion is placed in a temporary bonded warehouse so that the importer is not forced to pay import duties in the EU and then consolidated there and shipped to the destination countries.
For shipments to the Czech Republic, the recipient has the option to choose the mode of transport and alternative routing according to the current situation and requirements. Moreover, thanks to our direct sea and rail collection services, he does not have to wait for his own container to be filled.


  • Global overview of all shipments in one place Estone (control tower system) with local access
  • Servicing foreign markets without physical presence
  • Reducing costs and time for third country transports
  • Anticipating potential problems early and designing solutions
  • Use of various customs procedures (temporary storage, inward/passive processing, etc.)

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