Newsletter 10/2023: Rail transport - export to the Far East

Newsletter 10/2023: Rail transport - export to the Far East

We have received unfavourable information regarding the export shipment of containers to China.

We have received unfavourable information regarding the export shipment of containers to China.

This is related to the new regulation, where goods defined in the 11th package of sanctions against Russia are not even allowed to transit Russia. The list of sanctioned goods thus takes on a completely different meaning due to the ban on transit through Russia (instead of simply exports from the EU to Russia).

Rail operators are not accepting any new shipments of sanctioned goods on eastbound trains at this time. These shipments would most likely not be released at European borders until the new procedures for handling these goods are clarified.

Here you can download the (unverified) list of sanctioned goods.

Whether goods are subject to penalties is the full responsibility of the sender. In case of doubt, we recommend that you always check with the authority concerned.

We are monitoring the situation closely and will continue to keep you informed and ready to offer you suitable alternatives.

Do not hesitate to contact us:

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